Systematic Theology: Its Value

In this post we will consider the value of Systematic Theology done correctly.

III.  The Value of Systematic Theology. There are numerous reasons and applications of Systematic Theology that make it invaluable. Here are a few:

A.   Systematic Theology, when done correctly, results in an integrated “system” of all the Bible says on a topic, without contradiction. We say when done correctly because when done incorrectly dishonesty can result in over-emphasis on one’s favorite subjects, or even propagating false doctrines.

B.   Systematic Theology helps us make relationships between various issues, biblical or otherwise. This enables us to make sense of what we know about all theological topics by not resting unless we have understood all theological matters in light of all other theological matters.

C.  Systematic Theology helps us avoid eccentricity in our beliefs, insisting that the system be a balanced handling of all topics. We say helps us avoid eccentricity because even honest theologians may err, since not all theologians agree on everything.

D.  Systematic Theology enables us to communicate truth more logically and effectively. Working things out, especially in writing, assists us in making sure we are making sense and are correcting every inconsistency.

E.   Systematic Theology enables us to stand against error. The error, that faulty systematics are most prone to, is not taking everything the Bible says about each theological proposition into consideration before settling on what one believes is true. When this happens, the theology is incomplete. The second most common error in faulty systematics is allowing contradictions to remain unresolved, since there is no contradiction in God.

Next time: The Limitations of Systematic Theology.