Systematic Theology: Its Limitations

IV.  The Limitations of Systematic Theology. As important and valuable as systematic theology is, a glaring limitation is that it is done by human beings! We cannot know everything completely as God knows everything because God is infinite and man is finite.

  • There are some mysteries that must remain mysteries, at least until we are glorified.

  • There are some mysteries that we cannot discover because our methods of inquiry are limited and we have insufficient facts.

  • There are some truths that we miss because of the inadequacy of words to accurately convey some truths.

  • There are some truths that we do not comprehend completely because we do not know everything the Bible says.

Even if we could know everything in the Bible, while the Bible tells us everything we need to know, it does not tell us everything we might want to know. It certainly does not tell us everything there is to know; for there are countless things that God has not revealed in the Scriptures.

Some truth that God has revealed is hidden because of the hardness of our hearts. Even with the empowering of the Holy Spirit, there is corruption that remains in our hearts that hinders our complete understanding.

Remembering these limitations assists in keeping us humble.  Not all is revealed; and not all that is revealed is completely understood.

Next time: the subject of systematic theology.