"You shall not bear false witness" (part two)

"You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.”
Exodus 20:16

The commandment forbids bearing false witness against one’s neighbor. Here are two thoughts:

Who is my neighbor? According to Jesus, the two greatest commandments are: (1) Love God, and (2) Love our neighbors (Matthew 22:36-37). Jesus answered the question about who is our neighbor with the parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:29-37). The point of the story in answering the question, who is my neighbor, is anyone and everyone, including one’s enemy. (The Jews and the Samaritans were enemies.)

Therefore lying to or about anyone (including ones enemy), breaks this commandment.

Is it possible be guilty of lying while not specifically speaking against another person? In a word, Yes. We are lying when we speak lies, whether they are to or about another person or persons. Our culture, under Satanic delusion, believes and broadcasts all sorts of lies that are not necessarily to or about specific people or persons. Examples include lies such as “God does not exist.” “There are more than two genders and people can change genders at will.” “Killing a baby in its mother’s womb is about women’s healthcare.” These are lies. Believing and speaking is not merely a matter of opinion. It is lying because it is contrary to truth.

The most powerful way to protect ourselves from these kinds of lies is to know the Word of God (which is truth), measure every thought and word against the truth of God’s Word, and reject all lies in favor of God’s truth. Be prepared, however. Because our world has listened to, believed, and celebrated so many lies, you will be labeled as a hater, when in reality you will be a lover of truth.

Next time: examples of lying.