Honoring father & mother (part three)

"Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long upon the land which the LORD your God is giving you.” Exodus 20:12

Let’s continue with our consideration of ways we are to honor our parents.

Let us honor our parents by forgiving them.  Most parents honestly try to do their best to raise their children.  There are exceptions, of course, and even those who do their best still fall short.  Either way, we must forgive.

There is never a time when we are more like Christ than when we are forgiving others.  We are to forgive as we have been forgiven.  Completely, no reservations. No lingering grudges.  No dredging up past mistakes.  Just forgiveness.

“But my parents…”  It doesn’t matter.  Our sins against God are greater than any sin perpetrated against us—after all, our sins against an infinitely holy God are infinite.  Since we are not infinitely holy, sins against us are finite.  Therein lies the difference!  So as God has forgiven us of our infinite sin debt, we must forgive others of their finite sin debt—no matter how we may have suffered.

Unforgiveness leads to bitterness.  Unforgiving bitterness does nothing to bring about justice for past wrongs.  Bitterness only harms the one who is bitter.  As has been said, “Bitterness is like drinking poison, hoping the other person will die.”

We must not withhold forgiveness from anyone—particularly from our parents, who we are commanded to honor. (1)

Lord, please reveal any unforgiveness in our hearts, especially toward our parents.  Forgive us of the sin of unforgiveness.  And grant us the grace to truly forgive, even as You have forgiven us.

Important Footnote: (1) If you need to forgive your parents, are they aware of your unforgiveness? If not, let your forgiveness be between you and God, in your heart. Greater damage is often done by telling people who had no idea about your ill feelings that you are now ready to forgive them!