Forgive us our debts (Pt. 2)

And forgive us our debts, As we forgive our debtors. Matthew 6:12

What do human beings need most? The world answers this question in numerous ways: World peace, education, economic success (money and material possessions). And for the lighthearted: happiness.

God sent His Son, Jesus, to give the world what human beings really need most: Forgiveness of sin. This answer isn’t considered terribly important by most. Why? Because of the patience of God. Let me explain.

People do not feel much urgency about forgiveness because in God’s common (and most patient) grace, we do not yet feel the dire consequences for our sin. Our lives are not perfect, but we are getting along. And because we know nothing of the lesser daily consequences of sin in the same way fish are unaware of water, who worries about forgiveness?

There is a day coming, however, when the full consequence of sin will be felt. The day one dies physically (and all die), the first installment of the consequence of sin will be experienced. How? “The wages of sin is death” (Romans 6:23). Physical death is a surefire consequence of sin. And the fact that all die substantiates the Bible’s assertion that all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23). But physical death is only the first and lesser of the two installments of the consequence of sin. Keep reading.

As dreaded as physical death is, it is only the first death. The second death is infinitely more horrific. The second death (Revelation 20:12-15) is God’s wrath, described illustratively as a lake of fire that burns forever. The day of God’s judgment will be the most terrifying day of anyone’s existence.

UNLESS… one’s sins are forgiven! That is why forgiveness is what everyone of us needs more than anything else. That God’s judgment and wrath are talked about so often in the Bible (Jesus spoke about Hell more than anyone else in the Bible!), should make it abundantly clear that all are not forgiven—no matter how many people insist otherwise. The only ones who are forgiven are those who: (a) Acknowledge their sin/need of God’s forgiveness; (b) Trust in Jesus who is the only way to God’s favor (John 14:6); and (c) commit to following Jesus as the Master of their lives (repentance) (Acts 17:30).

Those who are forgiven will never face God’s wrath because Jesus took that wrath for them when He died on the cross. Instead, those who are forgiven will experience Heaven, not Hell.

We all need God’s forgiveness more than anything else, not only for now but for eternity. How about you? Are you forgiven, in Christ, and headed to Heaven?

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