These were more fair-minded than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness, and searched the Scriptures daily to find out whether these things were so.
Acts 17:11
Paul and company, fresh from a quick stop in Thessalonica—where they met with passionate resistance to the preaching of the gospel—left hurriedly, traveling fifty miles to the southwest to Berea. The Bereans were comparatively (and dramatically) more receptive to the preaching of the gospel than were the Thessalonians.
Spiritually, we must recognize that in the providence of God, some are simply more perceptive because God graciously opens blind eyes and softens hard hearts. God gave them “fairer minds” and more receptivity. Let us therefore pray for our unsaved family and friends that God would do a similar work in their lives. Let us also pray for ourselves, that we would not harbor defensive attitudes to the Word of God when we read it or hear it preached.
God’s work in the Bereans made a difference. They “searched the scriptures” to see if what Paul preached was in line with the Bible (they only had the Old Testament). Let us learn to test all things by the Word of God (like the Bereans) instead of succumbing to emotional responses (like the Thessalonians).
Then let us resolve not merely to be hearers of God’s Word, but doers of it as well (James 1:22-25).
Lord, forgive any resistance to Your Word in our lives. Grant us grace to be eager to hear what You have to say, and may Your Spirit grant us grace not only to hear, but also to do.