Miracles or the Word of God?

Now when they heard this, they were cut to the heart, and said to Peter and the rest of the apostles, “Men and brethren, what shall we do?” Acts 2:37 

However, many of those who heard the word believed; and the number of the men came to be about five thousand. Acts 4:4 

In the first few chapters of Acts, I am struck by the priority of the Word over miracles.  While the miracles happened and were wonderful, there is no record of anyone coming to faith because of them.  The people were confused by the “tongues” in chapter 2.  They were “filled with wonder and amazement” at the healing of the lame man in chapter 4.  But these signs and wonders caused the people to ridicule, find fault, threaten, and forbid the believers to speak in Jesus’ name.  Clearly no one was saved by seeing miracles.

Contrast that with the fact that when Peter preached the gospel in Acts 2, the people were “cut to the heart,” converted and added to the Church.  When Peter preached the gospel in Acts 4, “many of those who heard the word believed” and the Church grew.  Clearly people were saved by hearing the gospel.

What to learn?  “The gospel is the power of God unto salvation.” (Romans 1:16)  The gospel is contained in the Word and communicated through proclamation (whether preaching to a crowd or simply sharing the gospel with a friend over coffee.)  Therefore: (1) Let us not chase miracles or think they will convert anyone.  (2) Let us be faithful to proclaim the gospel.  Tell your testimony, invite people to church—but do not neglect to proclaim the gospel!  It is the way God is pleased to save people.