We are considering the disciplines of the faith (also called the “ordinary means of grace”). It is by actively practicing these things that we best cooperate with the Holy Spirit who is sanctifying us. Here are two more disciplines:
Telling others about the gospel of Christ (evangelizing). Christ’s Great Commission to His disciples is a mandate to share the gospel with others and to lead them to saving faith in Christ (Matthew 28:18-20). The Church is one generation from extinction if that generation fails to evangelize. True evangelism presents the gospel, not merely as a means to a better life or the answer to a person’s problems, but as the only way to forgiveness of sin, victory over sin, and ultimately entrance into Heaven. Evangelism is necessary at home, across the street and around the world. It is amazing how we grow in our faith, and in our love for Jesus as we tell others!
Spending time alone with the Lord (personal “quiet time”). I was a Christian for over 7 years and had a year of Bible college under my belt before someone challenged and taught me about having a daily quiet time with the Lord. What a difference this discipline made in my spiritual growth! Much more could be said than space allows here, but simply make a commitment to spend time reading through the Bible and praying every day (or at least five days each week). It need not be a prolonged length of time to begin with—15 or 20 minutes to start. But that time will grow (30-45-or even 60 minutes) when you realize how wonderful that time is and how much fruit will be born in your life! I am an advocate for doing this first thing in the morning for practical reasons—like if it isn’t a “first-thing,” it often becomes a non-thing.
A bonus thought: Jesus’ Great Commission is to “make disciples” (Matthew 28:18-20). What is the connection between being disciples and the disciplines of the faith? What do both words have in common? The root word: discipline.
More disciplines next time