The Christian Life: Temptation, Sin, Confession, Forgiveness, and Restoration (3)

We are all tempted. We all fail in our struggle with temptation—not always, but sometimes. When we sin, the indwelling Holy Spirit convicts us, which results in contrition, confession, and repentance. What is next?

Forgiveness and Restoration. All of the sins of all who trust in Christ alone for salvation are forgiven judicially at the time of conversion.  Practically and experientially, however, believers experience the forgiveness of their sins when we confess and repent of them (Psalm 103:12, Isaiah 38:17).  When confession and repentance take place, God not only forgives, but the Holy Spirit also cleanses His people from unrighteousness—including the guilt of forgiven sin (1 John 1:8-9).  God is so gracious that He forgives those who confess and repent, even if we confess and repent of the same sins over and over again.  That God is forgiving is by no means an endorsement, an encouragement, or an excuse to continue in sin (Romans 6:1-2). As we grow in sanctification, we ought to be growing in victory over temptation and sin!

One great aspect of forgiveness and restoration is that God removes our sins as far as the east is from the west (Psalm 103:12), and He places our sins behind His back (Psalm 38:17), where He remembers them no more (Isaiah 43:25). He will never throw our sins back in our faces because forgiveness and restoration from God is complete, irrevocable, and forever.

Though we must not dwell on past sins once forgiven, let us remember our sins enough to (1) glory in God’s gracious forgiveness, and (2) become more victorious in our war against sin!

For a longer list of how completely and wonderfully God deals with the sins committed by the redeemed, check this out!