How Jesus saves His people (5)

We continue considering how Jesus saves His people from their sins.  We have already mentioned that Jesus (1) Lived for his people.  (2) He died for His people.  (3) He rose for his people.  (4) He ascended into Heaven where He intercedes for His people.  (5) He sent the Holy Spirit for His people.  And now for number (6): Jesus established, builds, and guarantees the success of His Church.

Matthew 16:18  I will build My Church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it.

Let us understand that the Church is not merely a place for saved people to worship and serve—it is that, but the Church is one of the ways the Lord sanctifies He people.

From Jesus’ words in Matthew 16, we learn three truths about the Church of Jesus Christ: 

First, Christ’s Church belongs to Jesus.  Not to preachers, or congregations, or denominations, or the state, but to Christ Himself.  The Church belongs to Jesus because He established it, and because He purchased it—with His blood, no less!

Second, Jesus will build His Church.  He is the Master Builder.  Our role is to do as He says—not to try to come up with new innovative ways to promote and grow Christ’s Church, or individual local churches.  All Christ looks for in us regarding the His Church is that she is faithful to: preach the Word and shepherd His sheep in love, including administering the sacraments and exercising church discipline as needed. 

Part of the problem is that we want to evaluate the Church’s success (or lack of success) by worldly measures: bodies, buildings, and bucks.  That is not how Jesus builds His Church.  He merely looks for faithfulness, and then He builds His Church in His way, and in His time.  His building program sometimes includes subtraction as well as addition.  Sometimes even good churches close, but Christ is still building His Church.

Third, Christ’s Church will triumph. The Church will succeed because it is His Church and He cannot fail.  Read Revelation 4, 5, 7, and 20-22 to see what the Church triumphant in Heaven looks like on into eternity

Next time: How the Lord builds His Church in the New Testament