How Jesus saves His people (4)

We have been considering six ways Jesus saves His people from their sins.  So far we have pondered the first four of six.  They are Jesus (1) lived for us, (2) died for us, (3) rose for us, and (4) ascended into Heaven where He intercedes for us.  What a glorious ministry our Savior has in saving His people!  

The fifth is about the Holy Spirit, but in case we have forgotten, in John 14 Jesus told the disciples that He was sending the Holy Spirit.  So let’s give thought to #5:  Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to indwell us.  

Nevertheless I tell you the truth. It is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you; but if I depart, I will send Him to you. John 16:7

On His last night with the disciples, Jesus told them that He was leaving.  That was sad news for them, but He also told them (John 14:1) “Do not let your heart be troubled.”  Why?  Because He promised to send the Holy Spirit (the 3rd member of the Trinity) to dwell in and to empower His people.  For what purpose?  To live like the new creatures He saved us to be. 

Granted, in John 14:16, 26, & 15:26, Jesus asked the Father to send the Holy Spirit in Jesus’ name, but in John 16:7, & Luke 24:49 Jesus says He will send the Holy Spirit. This is not a contradiction.  Rather it is further biblical evidence of the “oneness” of the three Members of the Trinity (John 17:20-21)

Jesus was around for 40 days after He rose from the dead—plenty of time to establish the reality that He really did rise!  Then Jesus ascended.  After He ascended into Heaven, the disciples waited ten more days, and on Pentecost (which means 50 days) the promise of the coming of the Holy Spirit was fulfilled as God poured out the Holy Spirit on the people Jesus saved.  And that has been happening ever since.

People are saved when the Holy Spirit opens our ears, eyes and hearts, enabling us to understand the gospel.  The Holy Spirit redirects our affections so that we love Jesus, and want to follow Him.  And the Holy Spirit indwells believers, empowering us to follow Jesus, obey Jesus, and to testify to others about Jesus.

There is a sixth action that Jesus has been doing since Pentecost, is doing, and will continue to do until He returns in glory.  Next time…