The vital importance of the Church (3)

…I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it.
Matthew 16:18

We’ve been considering the vital importance of the Church. Here is a good question: Are house churches legitimate churches? Answer: Yes and No.

There are times and places that house churches are absolutely legitimate!

(1) In times and in places that the Church is persecuted and disallowed to meet publicly, Christians must meet secretly in small groups, often in homes. Let us remember to pray for our persecuted brethren in such circumstances.

(2) There are times and places that there are so few believers, that meeting in very small groups in homes makes perfect sense. We see the Church meeting primarily in homes in the 1st century as the Church was new and expanding. (When our church first began, we met in a home.)

But what about when and where believers are able to gather publicly and in greater numbers? (1) Though smaller home groups play an important role in a traditional church that meets publicly in larger numbers, these small groups are adjunct to typical churches, not a substitute for church.

(2) The house church movement in our nation is often (not always) made up of folks who claim they cannot find a church they agree with on everything. Frequently these churches have no elders, neglect the sacraments, lack vision beyond their door (no missions), and lack any accountability. These may not be legitimate churches.

Can’t find a church you agree with 100%? Find a legitimate church you can agree with most, and serve, not demanding that they agree with you.