The waiting ended

But when the fullness of the time had come, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born under the law… Galatians 4:4

Last time we chronicled the waiting that was prolonged throughout the Old Testament.  God promised a Deliverer who would rescue His people from the fall—that is from sin, death, and Hell.  The OT reminds us that when God promises, He delivers, no matter how long it takes.

Picking up the narrative of the OT’s people of God waiting for God to fulfill His promise, we are reminded that God delivered the Jewish nation of Judah (south).  He brought them out of Persia (formerly Babylon) to Jerusalem in Judea in three waves. 

The first wave was led by Zerubbabel.  Was Zerubbabel the Deliverer?  No.   

The second was led by Ezra.  Was Ezra the deliverer?  No.

The third was led by Nehemiah.  Was Nehemiah the deliverer? No.

And the people waited.

The returning exiles waited as God sent them prophets. And then God stopped sending them prophets. And the people waited—in silence. For another 400 years…

But when the fullness of the time had come, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born under the law Galatians 4:4

It was time for the Deliverer. Why was that the right time? Because that is when God sent Him. God’s timing is always right. God only always does everything right and at exactly the right time.