"You shall not steal." (part four)

"You shall not steal.” Exodus 20:15

When it comes to stealing, not a few imagine that it is only “stealing” if it is a criminal act like robbing a bank. Of course, nothing could be further from the truth.

In a sit-com years ago, a man was being confronted by his son-in-law about some things the man “took from work.” The guilty man insisted that, “It’s not stealing, it’s just—taking things from work!” Sorry Archie, it’s stealing!

There is also a rationalization regarding stealing, that if it is not taking something from someone in particular, it isn’t stealing. For example, cheating on taxes isn’t thought to be stealing because “the government will never miss it.” Not saying anything when being undercharged at a store or a fast food restaurant isn’t thought to be stealing either. Instead, “It’s my lucky day!”

And there is getting paid a full day’s pay for a day of fooling around. That isn’t thought by many to be stealing either. Isn’t taking agreed-upon money and not giving agreed-upon work, stealing?

What could be said about those who are happy to sue others over frivolous matters for outrageous sums, hoping to walk away with a pocket full of money? How insidious is it to steal in the name of “justice”?

Other examples could be given, but I’m sure the point has been made. Taking anything that isn’t mine is stealing. And like every other sin, even if we are aware of no identifiable victim, it is a sin against God since it is God’s law that we are breaking.