Your kingdom come. Your will be done On earth as it is in heaven.
Matthew 6:10
A closing thought about God’s will before moving to the next component of the Lord’s Prayer in our survey of the Sermon on the Mount: God’s will on Earth and in Heaven. As we have seen, there are several aspects of God’s will on earth. Not so in Heaven. In Heaven God’s will is done perfectly, all of the time, chiefly because there is no sin in Heaven.
We have many things to look forward to in Heaven: reuniting with saved loved ones, the unspeakable beauty of the place, and the absence of suffering, pain, sorrow, and death, to name just a few. But why are these other things so? Because God is the center of everything in Heaven and sin will forever be gone. That’s right, every opposition to God’s will will dissolve and be no more.
Having only known life tainted by sin, we can scarcely imagine existence without sin. I think, however, that we do well to try to meditate on that sinless aspect of Heaven as much as we are able. And when we pray, let us cry out to God for His will to be done on earth as it is—and ever will be—in Heaven, comforting ourselves with such thoughts. Amen!