And they were preaching the gospel there. Acts 14:7
People have all sorts of ideas concerning what Christianity and the Church are about.
Most of them are wrong.
Some say Christianity and the Church are to be about social services—feeding, clothing, and housing people. Those are good, but they are not what Christianity and the Church are about.
Others say Christianity and the Church are about helping people feel better. This idea quickly devolves into the idea that what people need most is to feel good about themselves, and that the way to make this happen is feel-good therapy. Spiritually healthy Christians usually do feel better. But they feel better not about themselves. They feel better because they know that they are sinful creatures deserving the wrath of God—but who have instead received the grace of God in Jesus Christ.
Still others are willing to tolerate Christianity and the Church as long as Christians keep their faith to themselves and behind the closed doors of the church building (and stay out of political and social discourse in public!). Jesus didn’t think this way. He told His disciples to "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature” (Mark 16:15).
Christianity and the Church are about Christ and the gospel. If we are not preaching Christ and the gospel, we are not acting “Christianly” and have stopped being what the Church is called to be.