The OT Law is valuable in that it...

Therefore the law is holy, and the commandment holy and just and good.
Romans 7:12

Today’s post is the conclusion of what I posted yesterday.

No one has ever been saved by keeping the law because no one ever has or can do so perfectly (Romans 3:20, Galatians 3:11). But the Law is still valuable in that:

  1. The Law condemns the guilty so that we will cry out to God for mercy, which is available exclusively in Christ Jesus (John 14:6)

  2. The moral law (and the moral principles found in the ceremonial and civil aspects of the law) inform us about how to live lives that are pleasing to God.

  3. All laws restrain evil in that most people want to avoid punishment, and obeying the law is a primary way to do that.

Let us never think that salvation is obtained by keeping God's Law. We do not because we cannot (even if we wanted to, though we do not naturally want to!). But Christ kept the entire law—every aspect—perfectly for those He came to save.

The Law not only points us to Christ, the moral law (and the moral principles in the ceremonial and civil aspects of the law) inform us about how to live lives that are pleasing to God, and the Law does restrict evil, at least in a limited way.