Our presence and expectation regarding corporate worship and hearing the Word of God

So I sent to you immediately, and you have done well to come. Now therefore, we are all present before God, to hear all the things commanded you by God." Acts 10:33

Cornelius had received a vision in which God told him to send for Peter so that Cornelius might hear the gospel. He sent for Peter. Peter arrived and this is what Cornelius told Peter. (Please learn four important lessons.)

First, Cornelius was glad Peter came. How thankful are we that God provides teachers who can instruct us in the His Word?

Second, Cornelius was present. How committed are we to be “present” whenever the Word of God is being preached? This is based on conviction regarding God and His Word, not on our convenience. And are you mindful that we are present “before God”?

Third, Cornelius’s entire household was present. Families are to worship together. Note also that gathering together to hear the Word of God applies to our households and the larger church family. Whenever anyone is not present, the church is incomplete. Your presence helps complete the gathering of the local body, and your absence contributes to our incompleteness.

Fourth, Cornelius and those gathered together were there to hear the Word of God—understanding that when God speaks, His Word has the weight of “commands.” This is really what is at stake. Do we gather with expectation to hear from God? How expectant are we? Does this expectation fuel our passion to be present, with our family (both our households and our church family)? Do you anticipate hearing from God?

A footnote about being “present.” Understanding that a few cannot venture out due to health, are those who are able, faithful in attendance? And are those who may only participate via live stream as eager to “tune in” and participate, as those who are present? This includes letting us know you are with us by filling out the RSVP form each week.