But Peter, standing up with the eleven, raised his voice and said to them, "Men of Judea and all who dwell in Jerusalem, let this be known to you, and heed my words.
Acts 2:14
What were Peter’s words that needed to be heeded above speaking in tongues? Peter preached the Gospel. Peter likely preached more than is recorded; what is recorded is likely a condensed summary of his actual sermon. How might we summarize the summary?
(v.14-21) Peter answered the crowd’s accusation that the disciples were drunk, informing them that what they witnessed, rather, was a move of the Holy Spirit. He demonstrated from Old Testament prophecy (Joel 2:28-32) that this indicated that the time of the Messiah had come.
(v.22-36) Peter explained that Jesus is indeed the Messiah. Peter used Old Testament scripture, quoting King David, to validate that claim. In this section Peter also pointed out that the nation of Israel had rejected and unlawfully crucified their Messiah, Jesus, and that God had raised Jesus from the dead (v.23-24 & 36).
This is Gospel preaching. Gospel preaching must first be Christ-centered (His death and resurrection for the forgiveness of sins). It must be anchored in scripture. And it must inform people of their guilt—else why would they sense any need for the Savior?
As the Holy Spirit convicted the people, they cried out “What must we do?” Note that there was no “altar call,” artificially orchestrating repentance. The people cried out because of a work of the Holy Spirit in their hearts, rather than because of the work of a man aimed at their emotions.
Peter answered their question by pointing them to Christ for salvation (v.38-40). Unless a person is receiving Christ for forgiveness of sins, that person isn’t receiving Christ in a saving manner. Let us be sure that we have understood the gospel and that our conversion is legitimate. And let us see that our evangelism is the Gospel and not merely an invitation to become a better person.
(Is baptism necessary for salvation? Next time…)
For a more detailed summary of Peter’s sermon, see: