Simon Peter said to them, "I am going fishing." John 21:3
"Feed My lambs.” John 21:15, "Tend My sheep." John 21:16, "Feed My sheep.” John 21:17.
Last time we considered why Peter went back to fishing. We sincerely doubt that Peter was enjoying fishing as a hobby. He was a professional. We also admitted that while there are two popular ideas about why he went back to fish, the reality is, we don’t know. So a little humble speculation is in order, and a warning not to be dogmatic about speculations when the Bible is not clear on a matter.
I ended the last post by saying there is one reason Peter went back to fish that is clearly true. Jesus had an ordained appointment with Peter on the shore of the Sea Galilee. In that appointment, Jesus not only revealed Himself again to the disciples and served them breakfast on the beach, but Jesus spoke graciously to Peter. Jesus’ kind words restored Peter from what he had done by denying Jesus on the night Jesus was betrayed. He also commissioned Peter as a shepherd to God’s people.
No matter what Peter had in mind when he went back to fishing, Jesus’ purpose in Peter’s life was so much greater. May the Lord give us eyes to see and hearts to understand God’s bigger plans for our lives—plans that are bigger than ours, whatever they are.