And He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.”
Mark 16:15
Christ’s Great Commission is recorded four times in four slightly different words. Each has its own peculiar emphasis. Having considered Matthew 28:18-20, let’s now consider Mark 16:15.
Mark’s record of the Great Commission is the shortest of the four. This is no surprise since Mark is the shortest of the gospels. Mark gets to the point in one short sentence in one verse.
The scope of the Commission is still daunting. “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.” This serves as yet another reminder that God’s plan is not for a kingdom limited to Israel, but to every people group in the entire world. This has always been God’s plan, but God’s people never before “got it.” The Great Commission allows for no misunderstanding. It is just too clear to miss.
There is one thing in Mark’s record of the commission that is easily skimmed past, however. What did Jesus mean by saying every “creature”? Jesus came to save His people. The Gospel is to be preached to and obeyed by human beings. The animal kingdom is not lost in sin, and therefore needs no Savior. But the Gospel does affect every creature. How?
When Adam sinned in the Garden of Eden, his sin not only plunged the human race into sin, the entire creation has suffered because of the sin of human beings (Genesis 3:17-18). And since then the creation has “groaned” awaiting the culmination of all things when Christ comes again and restores creation as a new heavens and a new earth (Romans 8:19-22). At that time, the consequences of sin under which the creation has continuously groaned will cease.
Jesus’ words in Mark 16:15 are expressly referring to lost humanity, the crown of God’s Creation, and the only “creature” to bear the image of God. Humans must hear and receive the Gospel to be saved. But as those called to have dominion over the rest of the creatures (Genesis 1:26-30), but who instead, by our sin, have harmed the creation. For that reason, the salvation of God’s people will also be a kind of salvation for the lesser creatures as well.