The following is a document that our brother Rick Anderson and I worked together on regarding how churches might want to understand the quarantine that keeps churches from meeting in person, and how and when to reconvene meeting together. It was sent to all FIRE churches. Errol
Reconvening Corporate Worship Services
Wondering: “When?”
All conscientious churchmen are probably wondering when we can get back to holding public worship services. It is a legitimate and timely question. It is likely that the two leading answers are, "We don't know," and, "Reconvening will not be the same for everyone."
What we do not know. What we do not know is rather likely to be more than what we do know. The news never stops, and it is largely contradictory. Neither we nor the "experts" know everything there is to know about the virus itself, much less how best to deal with it and all the ramifications of it. This being so, we do well not to assume that we know more than we do.
What we do know. As believers, we are fortunate to know the Sovereign, Who knows all things, controls all things, is rattled by nothing, and Who loves us completely. May we rest in Him, especially in light of what we do not know.
True, But “When?”
We are certainly all praying that we can reconvene public worship sooner, rather than later. Here are a few thoughts that may help us discern the Lord's will in our individual situations.
We do not all live in the same place, and it appears that some places really do have greater problems than others. So it is reasonable that we will not all be reconvening on the same Lord's Day.
We all have different state and local governments to which we are called to submit ourselves. We are to submit to these God-ordained authorities unless they command us to do what God forbids, or forbid us to do what God commands.
May we be discerning in determining at what point does being required to obey temporary government quarantines (as good citizenship and a means of loving our neighbors), become government overreach.
May we cultivate a proper understanding of our civic responsibilities and constitutional rights as citizens of our nation; not being too quick to assume that our right to worship is being infringed or violated, especially in the case where the regulations are not specifically singling out religious convictions or practice.
May we, as citizens of Heaven, also encourage and manifest a humble submission to the governing authorities, and be grateful that we have the means of peaceful protest or access to the courts for redress of perceived wrongs.
Let us pray for governing authorities to do what is right, trusting that God is still in control even when they do not.
May we listen prayerfully to what others say and do, while remaining spiritually tuned, to know our Father's will for each of us and for our churches, and while respecting others whose convictions may differ.
If it ever becomes clear that we are being forbidden to do what God commands, or commanded to do what God forbids, may we have the courage to obey God rather than man—in a manner that honors our Lord Jesus Christ.
May the Lord be pleased to use these thoughts for the glory of His name and the good of His Church.
Errol Hale and Rick Anderson
Grace Bible Church and Faith Community Church
Moorpark, CA and Oxnard, CA