What about Easter Saturday?

Most of us, following two millennia of tradition, understand the importance of Good Friday. Traditionally, it was the day our Savior died on the cross.

I think it is safe to say that ALL of us understand the importance of Easter Sunday—the day our Savior rose from the dead, defeating sin, death, and Hell for those He came to save.

How many of us give a second thought to Easter Saturday? I’m guessing precious few! I do not write this to suggest an additional holy day. or any particular set of traditions, but maybe we would each receive some benefit from at least taking a few moments out to think about the hours our Savior’s lifeless body lay in the tomb.

It is significant that Jesus didn’t die and rise moments later. The three days substantiated that He was indeed dead. The three days fulfilled His prophecy that as Jonah was three days and nights in the belly of the great fish, so for three days and nights His body would be entombed.

It is also significant to understand that only Jesus’ body was dead and entombed. After experiencing His Father’s wrath against our sin during the hours He hung on the cross, when Jesus’ body and spirit were separated by death, His spirit was reunited with His Father in Heaven.

We know this because Jesus promised the penitent thief hanging on the cross next to His, “Today you will be with Me in Paradise.”

It is a false doctrine that for three days Jesus suffered in Hell, subjected to Satan. Jesus is eternal and almighty GOD! God has never been, nor will He ever be subject to Hell. Not to mention that Satan is not in charge of Hell. Our Sovereign God is!

A few thoughts for Easter Saturday.