Might we be more shaken?

“And the posts of the door were shaken...” Isaiah 6:4

These words in Isaiah chapter six relay what happened to Isaiah when he found himself in the presence of the Lord. Upon closer look, the shaking of the place was connected with the singing "Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord of hosts; the whole earth is full of His glory."

Although we seek God, and His presence—not merely the manifestations of His presence—might our assemblies be more "shaken" if we sang with more awe and wonder at God's presence?

We read of a similar New Testament experience in Acts 4:31. "And when they had prayed, the place where they were assembled together was shaken."

Dear ones, when we assemble together, let us come in a prayerful attitude, pleading for, and anticipating God to manifest His holy presence in our midst.  Let us sing enthusiastically with our hearts, souls, minds, and collective strength (He deserves nothing less).  And let us wait on the Lord to shake not the building, but the hearts of His people.