Mothers' Day 2024

Let your father and your mother be glad, And let her who bore you rejoice.
Proverbs 23:25

It is Mother’s Day.  Mother’s Day is not a Christian holiday or a patriotic holiday.  It is a cultural holiday.  Even though I wonder if the greeting card companies and the florists dreamed it up, it is a good idea.  We should honor our moms (and dad’s) every day, but taking one day out of the year to pay special honor is a good thing, don’t you think?

How should we honor them?  What should we do?  There is no end to the nice things we can do for our moms.  Taking her out for dinner, buying gifts, flowers, and of course a card; all that is great.  I hope that you are able to do something nice for mom today.  And if your mom is no longer living, as my mom isn’t, I hope you remember her fondly and honor her memory.

There is something beyond dinners, gifts, and cards that you can do for your mom today.  God, speaking through Solomon, bids us to give our moms something to rejoice about.  What might that be?  Everyone knows how to break mom’s heart, so don’t do that.  But to cause her to be glad and to rejoice?

I can only speak on behalf of Christian moms, but my advice is: be godly.  That woman who bore you and who cradled you in her arms will most certainly rejoice if you will be godly,  walking with the Lord.  Oh, that they would receive that from each of us!