Only the lost can be saved

"I have heard of You by the hearing of the ear, But now my eye sees You. Therefore, I abhor myself, And repent in dust and ashes." Job 42:5-6

True conversion is based on understanding that one is unable to obey God perfectly—and that it matters.  True conversion is when that reality brings one to despair, calling out to God for mercy, which is available through faith in Christ and repentance from sin.  Left to ourselves, no one would ever cry out for mercy. 

But because God is so gracious, He gives those He has determined to save the gifts of faith and repentance, making them willing and able to trust in Christ, and turn from sin, and be saved.

Have you ever despaired of your sin before God?  Have you ever cried out to God for mercy through faith in Christ and repentance from sin?

If you have, it is because God has graciously saved you.  Praise God since you were unable to do this in your own strength.

If you have not, please, cry out to God for understanding of your “lostness,” asking God do for you what you cannot do for yourself—which results in salvation?