The beauty of unity in the body

Behold, how good and how pleasant it is For brethren to dwell together in unity!
Psalm 133:1

Psalm 133 begins with the word “Behold.”  Literally it means look, but it is commonly used as an exclamation because the thing we are being told to look at is something wonderful.  And the thing that is being looked at, or considered wonderful, is the brethren dwelling together in unity.

The Israelites were to travel to Jerusalem for worship three times each year for each of the three major religion’s feasts.  These were also special times for people from all over the nation to dwell together in unity.

David described this special time of unity as both ‘good’ and ‘pleasant’.  Fellowship in the Lord (especially worship) is good [beneficial], & pleasant [enjoyable.]

Let us be reminded of Jesus’ words (Matthew 5:24) that if we come to worship harboring unforgiveness, we are to take care of that with the other person before we come for worship.

It is worthy of note that any who do not find fellowship in the Lord (especially corporate worship), good and pleasant, are likely not brethrennot believers!  Believers love God, love to worship Him, and love the fellowship of the saints.  Believers love each other because God loves us, and because we love what God loves!