Jesus is our Creator

For by Him all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers. All things were created through Him and for Him. Colossians 1:16

Beginning our read through the Bible in a year again this year, we began with Genesis 1 & 2.  Far from being a myth to explain how everything began, the biblical creation account is true.  I don’t mean kind of or mostly true, either.  No, what the Bible says about creation is absolutely and literally true.

It is not only true about how everything began, it is true about Jesus!  Didn’t Jesus say the entire Old Testament is actually about Him (John 5:38).  Since the creation account is in the Bible and since the Bible is about Jesus, the creation account is also about Jesus.

Everything that exists (except God Himself) was created by God.  And since Jesus is God incarnated to be a man (in order to save His people from their sins) Jesus, in perfect union with the Father and the Holy Spirit created all things.  Why?  So glad you asked!

Everything was created so that God could create people (us) who would rebel against Him, so that Jesus could come as one of us to save us from our sin and reconcile us to Himself.

Creation is by Jesus through Jesus and for Jesus—that we may know and experience His saving grace.

No wonder the world rejects Biblical creation.  They are rejecting Jesus!