Can we always expect plenty of water?

Then all the congregation of the children of Israel set out on their journey from the Wilderness of Sin, according to the commandment of the LORD, and camped in Rephidim; but there was no water for the people to drink. Exodus 17:1

Whoever said following the Lord is smooth sailing?  “Sorry, it ain’t so, Joe!”

God delivered the children of Israel from their 400-year bondage in Egypt.  (This is a picture of “salvation.”)

But once on their way, (and note they were following “the commandment of the LORD”), they were without water.  Being without water is far more than an inconvenience.  Without water people die—in a matter of a few days!  And they were following the Lord. Hmmm…

God’s people complained, wishing they had never left Egypt (v.2-3). 

God did supply them with the much needed water, but only after Moses cried out to the Lord (v.4, & 6).

Here is what we do well to learn from this, and many other similar life-examples throughout scripture.

Even after God saves us, life continues to present us with challenges—sometimes serious challenges!  This will remain true until we are safely home with God in Heaven (Revelation 21:3-4).

Rather than complaining and accusing God and His ordained leaders, we need to do as Moses did: seek the Lord (v.4).

For what purpose does God do things in this way?  Why not just always provide “plenty of water?”  He wants us to trust Him even in the midst of diversity.  He wants us to know and remember what life is if it were not for His loving-kindness.  God does provide, but  He wants us to trust Him.