Before the mountains were brought forth, Or ever You had formed the earth and the world, Even from everlasting to everlasting, You are God. Psalm 90:2
God is from everlasting to everlasting. C.S Lewis paraphrased “everlasting to everlasting” with these words: “from vanishing point to vanishing point.” In other words as far as can be imagined—and beyond. The reality is, we cannot fully comprehend eternity—either future, and certainly not past. But God is eternal in both directions on the timeline. There was never a time when God was not. He has no beginning, and He did not create Himself, or else He created Himself before He existed! Impossible!
That God did not create Himself means He is eternally self-existent. The Latin word is aseity, meaning His existence is within Himself.
I recently listened to a conversation between a God-fearing Jewish man and an atheist. They were discussing the origins of all that is. The Jewish man (though not believing in Jesus) rightly asserted that God must exist and that nothing else that exists is self-existent. The atheist acknowledged that the idea that “nothing exploded into being everything” [the big bang] is absurd. What he was left with is that matter has always existed and is self existent. With all due respect this is also absurd.
The reality is everything was created by something apart from creation—and that someone is God.
That being true, and the only reasonable explanation, what can we do but bow in worship to our Creator God?