Precious in the sight of the LORD Is the death of His saints.
Psalm 116:15
How is the death of a child of God “precious” to our Heavenly Father? Let me count the ways.
The first death that God’s saints experience, that is precious in the sight of our Heavenly Father, is when we died with Christ Jesus—when He died on the cross. Romans 6:1-6
The second death that God’s saints experience, that is precious in the sight of our Heavenly Father is when we die daily to self that we may live in Christ for Christ. 1 Corinthians 15:31, Luke 9:23
The third death that God’s saints experience, that is precious in the sight of our Heavenly Father, is when our bodies die and we are at last freed from all pain, sorrow, suffering, and tears to be in His presence, gazing intently, enraptured by His face, and basking in His glory. Without interruption. Forever. Philippians 1:21, 1 John 3:2, Revelation 21:4, Revelation 22:4-5