I, therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you to walk worthy of the calling with which you were called... endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. Ephesians 4:1 & 3
Christians are one, spiritually. We are one because we are all united with Christ and therefore with each other. We do not need to create unity, we need to “endeavor to keep [maintain] the unity of the Spirit.”
We do this by selflessly rejecting any and everything that would unnecessarily cause division among us. I say “unnecessarily,” because true believers and churches must separate from false doctrine. But then we are not united with false doctrine in the Spirit in the first place.
In these days of the COVID virus, we are living in days of physical separation. We must not allow physical separation to cause division. Though we are physically separated from one another (some more than others due to health concerns), let us do all we can in 2021 to “keep the unity of the Spirit.” How?
Be together as much as we can, safely, and cautiously.
Resist the temptation to accept virtual worship as a replacement for in-person corporate worship and group prayer together.
For those who cannot gather, treat the live stream as seriously and reverently as if we were in person.
Maintain contact with each other and pray for one another even when we cannot be together.
And long for and pray that these days of separation will come to an end, sooner rather than later!