Chapter 26: OF THE CHURCH
(Parts Thirteen through Fifteen of Eighteen)
John Calvin wrote: “Wherever we see the Word of God purely preached and heard, there a church of God exists, even if it swarms with many faults.” Preaching, therefore, is essential if a church is to be considered a church. While it is in vogue these days for so-called “life-coaches” to give “talks” in so-called churches, pastors of true churches preach the Word. Pastors are called to “preach the Word, in season and out of season” (2 Timothy 4:1-2)—which means all the time!
It is most typical for there to be one of the elders (often referred to as the pastor) who is most gifted to do the majority of the preaching; he is not the only one who may preach. Other elders should be able to preach (1 Timothy 3:2), and willing to so when the need arises, regardless of whether they are particularly gifted. In addition, other men in the body who are gifted by the Holy Spirit and recognized by the church as able to preach, may and should.
While possessing “pulpit gifts” may make preaching more engaging, we must remember that the power is in the Word itself—not in the preacher. Therefore, while we may prefer to hear from some preachers more than others, ultimately it doesn’t matter who is preaching, so long as he is faithfully preaching the Word of God.
Let us all learn to listen intently to what the Holy Spirit is saying through the preacher, no matter who the preacher is, or the level of preaching expertise he may have.
(Part Fourteen)
The Confession rightly reminds believers that we are “obligated to join ourselves to particular local churches when and where we have opportunity to do so.” Friends, the popular notions that “there are no good churches” [not true!], or “I can’t find a church” [usually only because you are either not looking or have an unreasonable expectation of a church before you will join it] are just plain nonsense!
Which of us is better than Jesus? Does He absent Himself from a church because they are not perfect, or because they do not agree with you on everything? No. Then are your standards higher than His?
The confession states “when and where we have opportunity.” In the US, we have opportunity. People in third-world or non-Christian countries may not have a church near them to join. They have a reason to be in a “house-church.” The only reasons people here opt for that is because they do not understand what the Church is, how important it is, or, they are isolating themselves unbiblically. Proverbs 18:1 says, “A man who isolates himself seeks his own desire; He rages against all wise judgment.” Refuse to be that person.
(Part Fifteen)
The Confession rightly reminds believers that we are “obligated to join ourselves to particular local churches when and where we have opportunity to do so.” Why is this so important? Study the New Testament and see how many instructions (and commands) you cannot obey if you say “No” to uniting with a local church.
James 5:14 says if anyone is sick, call for the elders of the church. How can you do that if you are not in a church? And please do not deceive yourself into thinking that the father in a family house church is a church elder. There are other commands, including the sacraments. Baptizing each other in the bathtub is not baptism, nor is family communion what the New Testament commands. The sacraments are to be administered by duly ordained officers (elders and deacons) in a church. There are other similar commands that cannot be carried out correctly in a so-called house church, when the reason to “do church at home” is because people are rebelling against the biblical concept of the Church.
Lastly, God ordained local churches as microcosmic manifestations of the universal Church because the universal Church is too large to relate to, submit to, serve in, etc. God ordained local churches and He expects us to be connected—through membership.