The Church: Importance, Unity, & Divisiveness

CHAPTER 26: Of The Church
(Parts 0ne through Three of Eighteen)

The chapter on the Church is the longest  in the Confession.  That means we’ll be on this one for a while.  That it is the longest is interesting to me, especially in our day and age, when so many who profess faith in Christ, have nothing to do with His Church.  While there have been times in Christian history when there have been a greater number of church members who were not Christian, there has never been a time in Christian history when more who profess faith in Christ reject His Church.

Why is this?  Faulty evangelism that presents Jesus as the answer to all my “felt needs.”  If joining a church isn’t one of them—out goes church.  Individualism.  It is the predominant world view in our culture.  Non-denominationalism, and it’s illegitimate child: anti-church membership.  When individual local churches are accountable to no one but themselves, why should those who attend feel the need to be accountable to the church?

Besides the fact that the longest chapter in the Confession is about the Church, look at the New Testament.  Many books were written to churches (rather than to individuals).  If individuals wanted to hear from an apostle, where did they go to hear the latest letter?  Church.  Look at how many commands in scripture cannot be obeyed except in a church (e.g., James 5:14).  Is there church discipline apart from the Church?  Do people receive the sacraments apart from the Church—and if they do, are they legitimate?

Might the Church be more important to God than it is to a good many of His people? 

(Part Two of Eighteen)

There many “churches” but only one “Church.” 

The true, universal, and “invisible church” is made up of all the elect of God, who have been, are, and ever will be saved.  The Church belongs to Jesus (Matthew 16:18b), and He is His Church’s Head (Colossians 1:18), which scripture calls “the body of Christ” (1 Corinthians 12:27).  Jesus Christ is the Bridegroom of His Bride, another name by which the Church is called in scripture (Ephesians 5:22-32). 

The “visible church” is made up of those who profess faith and/or those who associate themselves with a local church, whether they are actually born again or are not.  Those who are only members of the visible church, but not of the “invisible church,” are not children of God.

The “invisible church” is pure in Christ, but the “visible church” is a mixed multitude at best.  Nevertheless, believers must unite themselves in local churches even though there is no perfect local church.  As much as is possible, local churches must seek to restrict their membership to professing believers, whose profession of faith is not discredited by their lifestyles (Titus 1:16).

 (Part Three of Eighteen)

There are many churches, and not a one of them (this side of Heaven) is pure.  All are a mixture of truth and error, just as each of our lives is the same mixture.  There are, however, churches that have far more truth than error, just as there are churches that have far more error than truth.  Some actually degenerate to the point that they are “synagogues of Satan”  (Revelation 2:9).

The responsibility of all believers is to unite with the local church near them that is most characterized by truth and has the least error.  The cardinal truth is Christ (John 14:6), the true gospel (Ephesians 1:13), and the Word (Psalm 119:142).  And these three are indivisibly one.  While we must not unite with a church that errs in these central and essential matters, we must abhor division over secondary issues about which orthodox men of God disagree.  We must refuse to divide Christ’s body over petty personal preferences.  And we must humbly seek the Lord’s wisdom to discern the difference.

Titus 3:10  Reject a divisive man after the first and second admonition…

Proverbs 6:16-19  These six things the LORD hates, Yes, seven are an abomination to Him:  17  A proud look, A lying tongue, Hands that shed innocent blood,  18  A heart that devises wicked plans, Feet that are swift in running to evil,  19  A false witness who speaks lies, And one who sows discord among brethren.