Let us worship with our all, and according to God's Word, and so fulfill our reason for being!

CHAPTER 22: Of Religious Worship and the Christian Sabbath
(Parts One - Three)

The first thing to note about Chapter 22 of the Confession (as well as chapter 21 of the Westminster Confession) is that it exists.  In our day of antinomianism dismissal (if not down-right rejection) of God’s Law—including the Ten Commandments, is more common than not for evangelical Christians to have no regard, much less honor, for the Lord’s Day as the Christian Sabbath.  Yet right there in these two historic confessions, specific attention is given to the recognition and honoring of the Lord’s Day, calling it “the Sabbath.”

It is doubtful anything could be said on the subject that will sway those whose minds are steeled in the conviction that “we are not under the law,” and that “the Sabbath was a commandment for Israel, not the Church.”  That is a case of wrongly dividing the Word of God, dismissing one of the Ten Commandments (why only this one?), and rejecting the Church’s historic understanding of this matter.

The long and the short of it is that (a) the Sabbath is a creation order, merely reiterated in the law.  (b) It is therefore not exclusively for Israel, but for all the sons of Adam.  (c) Though the commandment has been misused and abused by many for a long, long time, it simply states that we are to remember it (do not forget or reject it).  We are to keep it holy (it is not like every other day, but is a special day for worship and attention to spiritual matters).  And we are to do no work on it (excepting works of mercy and necessity—in other words, stop the everyday pursuits to pursue the Lord with special vigor, and refrain from commerce).

Here is the reason Christians do not honor the Sabbath, and in so doing reject one of God’s Ten Commandments: They do not want to.

(Part Two)

God created all things for the praise of His glory (Psalm 150:6, Isaiah 43:7, Ephesians 1:11-14).  Whatever He created that does not worship Him as He has prescribed, is in sin and therefore in trouble.  The created being given the highest calling to worship God is mankind.  We were created in His image and we are able to worship Him volitionally (as an act of the will) instead of merely by instinct (as the rest of creation does).

With what intensity are we to worship God?  We are to worship Him as we Love Him: “With all our hearts, souls, minds, and strength (Deuteronomy 6:5).  In other words: we are to give our all to worship God.

In what manner are we to worship God?  As He has instructed us in His Word.  Since He created us for worship before we were born, it should be obvious that worship is God’s idea not ours.  Therefore He is the only one in a position to prescribe the appropriate ways in which to worship Him.  We have no right to worship God according to our whims, or in creative ways that are not according to what He has ordained.  When we do that, worship becomes about us, instead of about Him.  And that is a monumental error.

Lord, may we worship You with our all, and according to Your Word,
and so fulfill our reason for being!

(Part Three)

Worshiping God is what we are to do in our hearts everywhere, every day.  When we are alone.  When we are gathered as families.  When we are gathered in small groups.  Let us worship the Lord everywhere, at all times.

When are gathered in church, we do err if we only think of the singing portion of the service as “worship.”  From the initial greeting and call to worship, through to and including the benediction, we are participants in a worship service.  We worship in song by giving God thanks and praise, but:

Let us worship God also in the praying, by remaining engaged and praying along with whoever is leading the congregation in prayer. 

Let us worship God by listening during the announcements, asking God to motivate us to participate in whatever ministries and activities are being announced—and by praying for those who are involved even if we are not. 

Let us worship God by giving Him our undivided attention when His Word is being read.  It is His Word, we do not want to miss what He has to say to us!

Let us worship God by giving full attention to what He has to say through the preaching of His Word.  May we anticipate and fully expect to hear from Him when His Word is being preached.

Let us worship God during the benediction.  Let us listen for His voice, and let us be thinking about the next time we can gather to worship Him again!

Lord, may we worship You with our all, and according to Your Word,
and so fulfill our reason for being!