The role of the Law in salvation. Huh?

CHAPTER 19: Of the Law of God
(Parts Six & Seven)

The Law, though in no way a means for salvation (Romans 3:20), is not to be discarded by believers (Romans 12:7, 12).  Paul’s words that we are not “under the law” but “under grace” (Romans 6:14) is referring to our deliverance from the condemnation of the law (Romans 8:1), not the standard of holiness revealed by the law.

Believers must look to the law (a) to see Christ who is the only perfect law Keeper, and (b) as a standard of holiness to strive for in the power of the Holy Spirit—not for salvation but because we have received salvation by God’s grace alone, received through faith alone, in Christ alone.  Believers must look to Christ, the gospel, and the indwelling Holy Spirit are the motive and means by which me may obey the law, even though none of us does so flawlessly this side of Heaven.

Let New Testament believers join David in joyfully declaring “Oh, how I love Your Law.  It is my meditation day and night!” (Psalm 119:97), and may we thereby enjoy the peace that results from loving God’s law (Psalm 119:65).

(Part Seven)

While it is true that the law can only condemn and it is the Spirit, through the Gospel, who gives life (2 Corinthians 3:6), the Law and the Gospel are not contrary to one another.  We might even say that the Law is the first part of the Gospel since “people need to be lost before they can be saved.”  It is the Law that evangelistically condemns sinners so that in desperation they might cry out to God for the mercy that is found exclusively in Christ and the Gospel (Galatians 3-4).

And once a person is saved, the Law does not become obsolete (Romans 7:7).  Rather, once born again, believers have a new love for God’s law (Ps. 119:97).  Believers are motivated by the Gospel to want to obey God’s moral law.  Believers are also empowered by the indwelling Holy Spirit to be able to obey God’s law (though because of the corruption that remains, believers obey God’s law imperfectly at best).

Think of it: it is our breaking of God’s law that condemns us (1 John 3:4).  Being forgiven does not make disobeying God’s law of no importance! (Romans 6:1)  Instead, being forgiven transforms us from law-breakers into grateful and joyful law-keepers.

Let the redeemed understand and love God’s Law!