So they said, "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved, you and your household." Then they spoke the word of the Lord to him and to all who were in his house. And he took them the same hour of the night and washed their stripes. And immediately he and all his family were baptized. Acts 16:31-33
Last time we said everyone is responsible to believe (trust in) Jesus and repent of (turn away from) sin, but that apart from being born again by the Holy Spirit, no one ever would. Why is that, and why is this important?
The Bible clearly teaches that lost people are “dead in sin” (Ephesians 2:4-5). Dead people know nothing and are able to do nothing about their dead condition. Why? Because they are dead! The good news of the gospel is that by the grace of God, Christ “makes us alive together with Christ” (v.5). Salvation is about being forgiven, but it is also about being “made alive in Christ.” When we are born again by the Holy Spirit, and made alive together with Christ, we are given new hearts—hearts that believe in and desire to follow Christ. Those who dead have neither saving faith nor repentant hearts. That is why Jesus said, “You must be born again,” because unless one is, one will never believe and repent.
God does not violate the wills of the lost who have no desire for Christ by forcing them to believe. Rather, He graciously changes their stone cold hearts into hearts that trust in and desire to follow and love Jesus. Neither does God exclude anyone from Heaven who wants to trust in Christ. Rather, He leaves them to their own sinful desires for which He bears no responsibility.
Why is this important? So that all glory for saving anyone goes to God rather than to those who are saved. He saves us—we cannot save ourselves! So He gets all the glory! Those God makes alive with Christ glorify Him because we know we can take no credit for our salvation and deserve God’s just wrath no less than those who perish in their sins.
Bonus Truth: Most evangelical Christians give the incorrect answer to this question: Are we born again because we believe, or do we believe because we are born again? Correct answer: Unless we are born again, we have no capacity or desire to believe. We believe because by God’s grace we have been born again!